How to treat mold illness

The first step.. removing yourself from a moldy environment if this is your current situation.

But remember, symptoms of mold can present from exposure that occurred decades ago. It does not have to be current.

There are 3 symptoms very unique to mold illness: ice pick pains, internal tremors/vibrating sensations running up and down the spine, and electric shock sensations.

 Other symptoms of mold toxicity that are common include:

  • headaches 

  • sensitivity to bright light 

  • joint pain with morning stiffness 

  • skin sensitive to light touch 

  • excessive thirst 

  • shortness of breath 

  • air hunger 

  • metallic taste and mouth 

  • digestive symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea 

  • chronic fatigue 

  • weakness 

  • chronic sinus congestion 

How to identify if these mold toxins (aka mycotoxins) are present in your body:

Run a urine mycotoxin panel, my personal favorite is through Real Time Labs.

This allows us to be much more precise for detoxing: the most effective way to treat mold illness is using binders, which are natural substances that have an affinity for different mycotoxins.

This is WHY the mycotoxin panel is so important, we need to line up the correct binders with the mycotoxins that are actually PRESENT in the body!

Lastly, some people may present with colonization of mold in the gut and sinuses.

In this case, the individual will not fully recover unless the use of anti fungals are administered to remove the mold and Candida.

Removing mycotoxins from the body can take anywhere from 4 months to 1 full year, sometimes even longer. Patience is absolutely necessary here!

What if someone is very sensitive to starting detoxification and not tolerating the binders well?

My next newsletter will cover this for the sensitive individual, but I’ll give some tips here:

  1. Vagus nerve work targeted toward the structural and signaling pieces

  2. Limbic system retraining

  3. Address possible mast cell activation syndrome

  4. Potentially still living in a triggering environment without realizing it

  5. Past trauma needs addressing

A lot of my clients come to me with gut issues that never got resolved from rounds and rounds of treatment.

Recurrent SIBO & Candida overgrowths are very common in my client population.

The question that needs asking: “What is disrupting their immune system & migrating motor complex to not allow their body to prevent colonization of bacteria/fungi?”

Mold can often be a big part of this picture! It suppresses the immune system, making it hard for treatments to hold. It also disrupts the MMC (Migrating motor complex), a necessary component to SIBO recovery!

Listen to my new podcast episode with Dr. Allison Siebecker, nicknamed the “Queen of SIBO”, where we discuss various treatment methods and the “why” to chronic SIBO patients. You can listen on on all platforms including Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.

Looking to work with me?

You can sign up for a 15 minute discovery call here to learn more about working with me.

Hope you all have a beautfiul start to your week!

Happiness & health,

Dr. Stephanie