Heal with Infrared

As you are probably aware, there are multiple modalities for supporting your body on it’s healing journey!

So hearing of yet “another” healing modality may be overwhelming and confusing. But I’m here to share one of my favorite supports, backed by research, and clinically have seen wonderful results with.

Infrared happens to be one of my favorite supports for the 2 main conditions I work with in my practice: mast cell activation syndrome and mold toxicity!

Infrared has a spectrum: near, mid, and far. Each with their own potential for healing capacity.

Much of the benefits I am going to go over are due to the far infrared wavelength:

  1. Detoxification of mycotoxins & heavy metals

  2. Enhances cellular energy! By boosting our mitochondria (the powerhouse of our cells)

  3. Activates epidermal Langerhans cells, which are a type of white blood cell that protects the body against viruses and bacteria

  4. Supportive to our immune system by also improving white blood cell profiles and through “hormesis”, which is good stress to our cells

  5. May improve sleep

  6. Enhances our detox pathways

  7. Increases circulation: the body will receive more nutrients and oxygen via this process to ultimately support healing

  8. Promotes a positive nervous system response by helping to balance the body’s level of cortisol

Infrared is basically bringing the healing back to nature, because nature actually gives us infrared!

It is the healing rays that come from the sun. When you are in an IR sauna, it is heating you from the core so it takes time to feel warm versus a traditional sauna.

This deep penetration of rays is improving our health at a cellular level! This is why I love it so much. Not only is it a great adjunct to detoxification, but it is actually getting to that cellular level where supplements can’t get to. Therefore repairing damage emitted from harmful chemicals.

And if you read my last newsletter, you will see that symptoms can persist beyond removing the original insult, due to the damage done at a cellular level.

But what if I’m sensitive to heat?

A very common trigger for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: heat! And this is why an IR Sauna can be helpful to those with MCAS, because you can get the benefits of Infrared without heat.

I will typically have my clients start at a very low setting, the lowest, so there is almost no heat. They will also stay in their first time around 5 minutes, and slowly work up from there

But the type of sauna you choose is so important, as many are made with toxic materials, and emit high amounts of EMF.

This is why my personal favorite is Sunlighten! It’s third party tested for all of this, to give you the best experience and not “adding” toxicity while you detox.

I recently had the co-founder, Connie Zack, on my podcast to discuss the many healing benefits of Infrared.

You can listen here on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube among other platforms!

You can get free shipping AND a discount by using my code DRPEACOCK when purchasing a Sunlighten!

Looking for support in your MCAS, chronic SIBO, or mold toxicity journey?

You can sign up for a discovery call here to meet with me for 15 minutes.

Health & happiness,

Dr. Stephanie